############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 6.14 Release Notes # # 10 Nov 2010 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_6_14.txt 4112 This release note AAPP_update_6_14.tgz 33188 AAPP source code This is an incremental update; users need to have installed versions 6.12 and 6.13. 2. Main Changes --------------- - Updates to IASI PC processing, following start of trial EUMETCast dissemination of PC-compressed data, and in preparation for EARS-IASI. - Update URL of NOAA web site for AVHRR calibration. - Fix problem in which decom-avhrr-metop can enter infinite loop if OBT-UTC step is zero. - Fix AMSU-A processing when MHS is in fault mode (NOAA satellites). - In the combine_1c tool, allow for the case when boundary between successive files occurs at midnight. - Correct error of up to 300ms in IASI time stamps from OPS-LRS. Note that the latest set of IASI eigenvector files from EUMETSAT are available on the AAPP ftp server, in directory "iasi_eigenvectgors". See document "IASI Principal Components in AAPP: User Manual" for full details on their usage. 3. Installation --------------- a. Copy the tgz file to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack it using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_6_14.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_6_14.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Go to the AAPP_6 top directory and type make 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v6 with the NWP SAF (www.nwpsaf.org), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_6_14.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 246 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. Detailed list of changes from v6.13 (r217) to v6.14 (r246) ------------------------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted Decommutation ============= M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/amsget.F Only test for bad MIUMF if MHS is requested. When MHS is in fault mode this test can upset AMSU-A processing. Preprocessing ============= M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/iasi_eigenvectors.F Limit evfile to 80 characters M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/iasi_ev_readhdf5.c Allow for channel numbering from 1 in version 103 onwards of EUMETSAT ev files M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/iasi_reconstruct.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/iasi_generate_pcs.F Correct I4 -> I6 when reading ev version number Tools ===== M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_get_1c.F Set iasipc_scalrad to zero if missing in the BUFR and fix scaling of iasipc_h_evfilevn M AAPP/src/tools/bin/combine_1c.F Allow for the case where the start of added file is after midnight and the end of the previous file is before midnight. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/swabAtlas.F Change #include <> to #include "" for portability. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avh_get_vis_coefs.ksh Update URL of NOAA web site. MetOp tools =========== M metop-tools/src/libobtutc/obtutc.c M metop-tools/src/bin/avhrr-main.c Avoid infinite loop if OBT-UTC correlation parameters are missing (occasionally seen in EARS-AVHRR data) IASI tools ========== M iasi-tools/src/bin/eps_metopl0-obt-xml.c On some systems (64-bit) IASI time stamps from OPS-LRS were in error by up to 300ms, due to precision loss in OBT-UTC computation. Changed computation from float to double.