############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 6.8 Release Notes # # 27 January 2009 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_6_8.txt 5496 This release note AAPP_update_6_8.tgz 162105 Source code and data This is an incremental update; users need to have installed version 6.1 and updates 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 and 6.7. 2. Purpose ---------- The main purposes of this update are as follows: (i) Accommodate NOAA-N prime (to be renamed NOAA-19 after launch) (ii) Improvements to the IASI thinning and cloud tests (iii) Miscellaneous bug fixes and updates A detailed list of changed modules is given in section 6. There are still a few changes still to be made for NOAA-19, which can only be done after launch - notably the inclusion of the international satellite designation in the satid.txt file. 3. Installation --------------- a. Copy the tgz file to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack it using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_6_8.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_6_8.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Go to the AAPP_6 top directory and type make 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v6 with the NWP SAF (www.nwpsaf.org), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_6_8.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 142 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. Detailed list of changes since AAPP v6.7, rev 123 to 142. ------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted Decommutation ============= M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/amshdu.F M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/hirhdu.F M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/msuhdu.F M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/amsout.F Bug fix to correct date and time when HRPT file straddles midnight. Improve robustness: only update AMSU-B instrument ID if it is non zero. M AAPP/src/decommutation/libdecom/mhsdc.F Correct mhs_current, which was using the wrong array elements. (Affects level 1b housekeeping value only, not used elsewhere in AAPP). Calibration =========== M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsuacl/amsua_clparams.dat M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsubcl/amsub_clparams.dat M AAPP/src/calibration/libmhscl/mhs_clparams.dat M AAPP/src/calibration/libhirscl_algoV4/h_calcoef_algoV4.dat M AAPP/src/calibration/libhirscl/calcoef.dat M AAPP/src/calibration/libavhrcl/avhcal.txt Add calibration parameters for NOAA-19. Adjust NOAA-15 AMSU-B gross limits for channels 18 and 19. Preprocessing ============= M AAPP/src/preproc/libmaia_2.1/leroux.F Prevent array overflow due to rounding error on some systems. M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppithin.F Make use of GQIsFlagQual. Avoid flagged spots in the IASI thinning. M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppbgb2a.F Get the Bachus Gilbert B to A option working for NOAA-18 and MetOp, and prevent array bounds error. M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppi1d.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppicloud.F Correct the IASI cloud tests. Was using window channel, as originally intended, rather than tropospheric sounding channel. M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/avh2hirs_atovs.F Increase max number of scan lines from 160 to 350, to support MetOp fast extract from Svalbard. M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/fdf.dat A AAPP/src/preproc/libavh2hirs_maia_2.1/cor_noaa19.dat A AAPP/src/preproc/libavh2hirs_maia_2.1/cor_noaa19.loc A AAPP/src/preproc/libavh2hirs_maia_2.1/thresholds.dat A AAPP/src/preproc/libavh2hirs_maia_2.1/thresholds.loc M AAPP/src/preproc/libavh2hirs_maia_2.1/Makefile M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/maia2_env.ksh Updates for NOAA-19. File thresholds.dat is a tar file containing NOAA-19 MAIA-2 thresholds. maia2_env.ksh will unpack the file when needed. Tools ===== M AAPP/src/tools/libsatid/satid.txt Add NOAA-19. The international designation and the avhrr/tip telemetry numbers are still to be updated. M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_get_1c.F Correct typo causing date to be wrongly BUFR encoded/decoded in September 2008. Use satid values from the fdf.dat file (avoids hard coding entry for NOAA-19). M AAPP/src/tools/bin/AAPP_RUN_FY1.ksh M AAPP/src/decommutation/bin/convert_chrpt.F M AAPP/src/decommutation/bin/convert_chrpt.ksh Add -u option for use if FY-1D input file is already in unpacked format M AAPP/src/tools/bin/atovsCompare.F Support MetOp in atovsCompare M iasi-tools/src/libeps_iasil1c_6.6/convert_iasi1c.F Correct day number calculation. Was wrong for leap years. M metop-tools/src/bin/patch-level0.c Bug fix when there are multiple VIADRs.