############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 7.12 Release Notes # # 26 Feb 2016 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_7_12.txt 6488 This release note AAPP_update_7_12.tgz 75398 source code This is an incremental update; users need to have downloaded and unpacked version 7.1 (the initial release of AAPP v7) and updates 7.2 to 7.11. Alternatively, a full version of 7.12 is also available on the AAPP ftp site. 2. Main Changes --------------- - Option to produce AVHRR .h5 files with full geolocation instead of tie points. - Compute NEdT for AVHRR and include in .h5 output. - Corrections to processing of NOAA/CLASS AVHRR 1b data. - Improve handling of bad packet counters in Metop AHRPT. - Extend tool mwri_sdr to support FY-3A/3B MWRI. - Bug fix in ATMS and CrIS SDR decoder. 3. Installation --------------- 3.1 Updating an existing AAPP installation ------------------------------------------ To update an existing installation: a. Copy the update release tgz files to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_7_12.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_7_12.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Go to the AAPP_7 top directory and type cd AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5; rm -f hrp1b_read.c avh1c_read.c; cd - make and optionally "make install", if you have a separate installation directory. Note that the two .c files mentioned above are automatically re-generated (from the corresponding .c-F file) by the "make" step. 3.2 Creating a new installation ------------------------------- If you are creating a new installation, the sequence is either: (1a) unpack AAPP v7.1 and cd to the AAPP top directory (1b) unpack the update releases 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12 (as in steps a-b above), OR (easier) (1) unpack the full 7.12 release available from the ftp server Then (2) run "configure" (see chapter 3.4 of the AAPP Installation Guide), (3) run "make" (4) If you used the --prefix= option in configure, run "make install" To test a new installation, it is recommended to run some of the AAPP test cases, see Chapter 4 of the AAPP Installation Guide. The test cases are normally available on the AAPP ftp server. 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v7 with the NWP SAF (www.nwpsaf.eu), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_7_12.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 482 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. Detailed list of changes from v7.11 (r470) to v7.12 (r482) ------------------------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c.F Bug fix in DAY_TO_DATE (was getting month 0 at end of year) M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_gac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_gac_class_to_aapp_klm.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_lac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_lac_class_to_aapp_klm.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/convert_to_hdf5.ksh When processing AVHRR from NOAA/CLASS, store the IR scaling factors in avh_filler2 and set avh_h_inststat1, as these are needed by avhrrin. Add the AVHRR instrument IDs to convert_to_hdf5.ksh. Allow for NOAA scale change in April 2005. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_aapp_to_class.F Bug fix: the offset IR term was re-scaled, should be quadratic. Use scale in avh_filler2 if set. M AAPP/include/avh1b.h M AAPP/include/avh1c.h M AAPP/include/avh1b_c.h M AAPP/include/avh1c_c.h M AAPP/src/maia3/bin/avhrrin.F M AAPP/src/calibration/libavhrcl/avh_put.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/hrp1b_read.c-F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/hrp1b_read_f.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/hrp1b_to_hdf5_write.c M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/avh1c_read.c-F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/avh1c_read_f.F M metop-tools/src/libeps_avhrrl1b_6.5/convert_avh1b.F M metop-tools/src/libeps_avhrrl1b_6.5/eps_avhrrl1b_6.5.c For AVHRR, include IR channels NEdT in hdf5 output for level 1b and 1c. Applies to (i) 1b from direct readout processing, (ii) 1b from Metop PFS files, converted to AAPP format via convert_avh1b. In the AAPP 1b files, the previously unused avh_filler3 is used to store the NEdT information in bits 8-15, as in the PFS-format "DATA_CALIBRATION". The existing AAPP variable avh_qualind is unchanged: only bits 0-7 are used. A AAPP/include/z_intex_51_to_2048.h M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avh1c_to_hdf5.c M AAPP/src/tools/bin/hrp1b_to_hdf5.c M AAPP/src/tools/bin/convert_to_hdf5.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/Makefile M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/avh1c_to_hdf5_write.c M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/hrp1b_to_hdf5_write.c A AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/z_intex_51_to_2048.c Option to generate AVHRR l1b.h5 and l1c.h5 files with full-resolution geolocation instead of tie-points. To use this facility, use the new "-G" option in convert_to_hdf5. z_intex_51_to_2048.c and z_intex_51_to_2048.h are copied from metop-tools, for convenience in the build. M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwri_sdr_read.c In mwri_sdr tool, add support for FY-3A/3B. Previously only worked with FY-3C. M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/atms_sdr_read.c M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/cris_geo_read.c Bug fix: time of day was reported negative for a few scans around midnight. Hence BUFR files could contain the wrong GTS headers. M metop-tools/src/libmetop_common/common-main.c Update seq_count only if packet counter is valid. Otherwise we can get many fill lines wrongly inserted when there is a bad counter value.