############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 7.13 Release Notes # # 14 Jul 2016 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_7_13.txt 7451 This release note AAPP_update_7_13.tgz 75520 source code This is an incremental update; users need to have downloaded and unpacked version 7.1 (the initial release of AAPP v7) and updates 7.2 to 7.13. Alternatively, a full version of 7.13 is also available to registered users in the "software downloads" section of the NWP SAF web site http://nwpsaf.eu. 2. Main Changes --------------- - Update MWRI BUFR encoding - Support CrIS full-spectral resolution SDR data - AVHRR geographical subsetting tools (user request) - Ability to retrieve TLEs from more than 1 web site - Bug fixes 3. Installation --------------- 3.1 Updating an existing AAPP installation ------------------------------------------ To update an existing installation: a. Copy the update release tgz files to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_7_13.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_7_13.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Go to the AAPP_7 top directory and type cd AAPP; make clean_obj; cd .. make and optionally "make install", if you have a separate installation directory. (The "make clean_obj" step allows you to re-generate executables without deleting data). 3.2 Creating a new installation ------------------------------- If you are creating a new installation, the sequence is either: (1) unpack the full 7.13 release (recommended) OR (1a) unpack AAPP v7.1 and cd to the AAPP top directory (1b) unpack the update releases 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 7.10, 7.11, 7.12, 7.13 (as in steps a-b above), Then (2) run "configure" (see chapter 3.4 of the AAPP Installation Guide), (3) run "make" (4) If you used the --prefix= option in configure, run "make install" To test a new installation, it is recommended to run some of the AAPP test cases, see Chapter 4 of the AAPP Installation Guide. The test cases are normally available on the AAPP web site at http://nwpsaf.eu/site/software/aapp/download/ 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v7 with the NWP SAF (http://nwpsaf.eu), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_7_13.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 495 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. Detailed list of changes from v7.12 (r483) to v7.13 (r495) ------------------------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted M configure Update the TLE settings and description. Improve the setting of LD_LIBRARY_PATH (previous version could give return code 1 and did not export). M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/inahdr.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/inbhdr.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/inhhdr.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/inmhsget.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovin/inmhshdr.F Bug fixes: avoid array overflow errors and correct a bug in the MHS NEDT computation. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_encodebufr_1c.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_encodebufr_1c.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/Makefile M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c_mwri.F A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1d_mwri.F In the MWRI bufr encoding, set missing BT values correctly and use a realistic time delay between samples. Add MWRI1D (for Met Office use, same BUFR sequence as MWTS21D, MWHS21D and IRAS1D). M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_gac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_lac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F Change 32769 to -32767 which is correct for a 2-byte integer. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/Makefile A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_1b_subset.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_1b_subset.ksh Tool to create a subset of an AVHRR l1b file, based on sub-satellite latitude. Only scans that are within the requested latitude range are reported. Usage : avhrr_1b_subset infile outfile lat1 lat2 [direction] M AAPP/src/tools/bin/avh1c_to_hdf5.c M AAPP/src/tools/bin/convert_to_hdf5.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/avh1c_to_hdf5_write.c In convert_to_hdf5, add a "-s" option to generate AVHRR l1c hdf5 files covering a restricted geographical subset. You specify a reference lat/lon and a requested number of spots and scans (nx, ny). The software finds the nearest spot to the reference lat/lon (based on coarse geolocation) and reports the surrounding BTs, up to a maximum of nx * ny. It does not check that the reference lat/lon is actually inside the swath. Note: this option is only applicable to AVHRR .l1c files (i.e. the output of avhrrin). Usage : convert_to_hdf5 [-c[0-9]] [-G] [-s lat lon nx ny] files M AAPP/src/navigation/bin/get_tle.ksh Remove code related to old space-track site, update the default satellite list and add ability to specify mixed urls in PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD. For example: PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD='https://www.space-track.org' PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD+=' http://oiswww.eumetsat.int/metopTLEs/html/data_out/latest_m02_long_tle.txt' PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD+=' http://oiswww.eumetsat.int/metopTLEs/html/data_out/latest_m01_long_tle.txt' PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_CATALOGUE="25338,28654,33591,37849,32958,37214,39260,25994,27424" #N15,18,19,S-NPP,FY-3A/3B/3C,Aqua,Terra export PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_CATALOGUE M AAPP/src/maia4/bin/viirs_to_cris.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmapviirscris/map_viirs_adjacency_mod.F90 Bug fix for the VIIRS to CrIS mapping. Meteo-France report that sometimes there was a segmentation fault. M AAPP/include/cris1c.h M AAPP/include/cris1c_c.h M AAPP/include/cris_sdr.h M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/cris_sdr.intf.c-F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/cris_sdr_out.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/cris_sdr_read.c M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/cris_channels.F Support CrIS full-spectral-resolution inputs (BUFR or HDF5). The number of channels in each band is determined from the input file. The maximum number of channels is now 2211. In cris_sdr_out.F, the apodisation flags in cris1c_radianceflgs (which becomes BUFR descriptor 002165) are now set correctly; previously zero. M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/Makefile A AAPP/src/preproc/bin/cris_degrade_fsr.F A AAPP/src/preproc/bin/cris_degrade_fsr.ksh A tool to convert CrIS full-spectral-resolution .l1c files in AAPP format (2211 channels, Hamming-apodised or unapodised) to standard resolution (1305 channels, Hamming-apodised). Usage : cris_degrade_fsr infile outfile