############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 7.3 Release Notes # # 10 October 2012 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_7_3.txt 10361 This release note AAPP_update_7_3.tgz 115169 AAPP source code AAPP_MAIA3_data_metop01.tgz 39121 Updated MAIA3 files for Metop-B This is an incremental update; users need to have downloaded and unpacked version 7.1 (the initial release of AAPP v7) and update 7.2. 2. Main Changes --------------- - Fix IASI "lpc" format to make the PC scores 32-bit integers instead of 16-bit. This is required for the EARS-IASI service. - Add BUFR encode/decode facility for the MWTS and MWHS instruments on FY-3A/B. Based on the sequence developed by ECMWF. - Allow NPP orbit number to be specified by user when ingesting ATMS/CrIS HDF5 files. - Update Metop-B international designator and MAIA3 thresholds files. - Allow use of new space-track web interface for TLEs. - Portability fixes and other minor changes. See section 6 (below) for full details. 3. Installation --------------- a. Copy the tgz files to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_7_3.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_7_3.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Unpack the MAIA3 thresholds files tar -xvmzf AAPP_MAIA3_data_metop01.tgz d. If you will be using the IASI Principal Component routines, or you will be working with FY-3 data, or if you wish to force a clean install for some other reason, type make clean e. Go to the AAPP_7 top directory and type make The above instructions assume you are starting from an existing AAPP v7 installation. If you are starting from scratch, the sequence is (i) unpack AAPP v7.1, (ii) unpack the update releases 7.2 and 7.3(as in steps a-c above), (iii) run "configure" (see chapter 3.4 of the AAPP Installation Guide), (iv) run "make" and optionally "make install". Depending on the functionality that you require, you may wish to consider installing a recent version of the ECMWF BUFR library. See chapter 3.9 of the AAPP Installation Guide. 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v7 with the NWP SAF (www.nwpsaf.org), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_7_3.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 334 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. Detailed list of changes from v7.2 (r322) to v7.3 (r334) ------------------------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted Calibration =========== M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsuacl/amsua_clparams.dat Allow for further degradation in NOAA-15 AMSU-A1 antenna position measurement, causing amsuacl to fail. M AAPP/src/calibration/libavhrcl/avh_gvie.F Fix a problem in which channel 3B calibration can be missing for a few scans at the end of the dataset. This is most obvious when processing 1-minute granules. M AAPP/include/hrs1b.h Add comment giving more info on hrs_qualind. Navigation ========== M AAPP/src/tools/libsatid/satid.txt Update international designation for Metop-B M AAPP/src/navigation/bin/get_tle.ksh Allow use of the new space-track web interface. To use it, set the following in your ATOVS_ENV7 file: PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_URL_DOWNLOAD='https://beta.space-track.org' The script contains a default list of satellite catalogue numbers (NOAA, NPP, Metop, FY1, FY3, EOS). To change the list, set environment variable PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_CATALOGUE="n1,n2,n3...." export PAR_NAVIGATION_TLE_CATALOGUE M AAPP/src/navigation/bin/tleing.ksh Change search from 'tle_*_*' to 'tle_*.txt' at the request of EUMETSAT. Preprocessing ============= M AAPP/include/iasipc.h M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppipcind.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppipcinh.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppipcouth.F Change PC scores in iasipc.h from 16 bit to 32-bit integers, since the first score in each band (especially Band 2) can exceed +-32767. Requires re-build of libatov, libatovpp and libaappbufr. M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/atovin.ksh M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/atovin_antcorr.ksh Put single quotes round [a-Z] and [A-Z] to avoid expansion by the shell. Tools ===== M AAPP/src/tools/bin/l1cidf.F Include reclopt.h; change condition for swap_1b 256->65536, which helps when processing AVHRR 1b files from NOAA. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/hrpt1b_noaa.F Include reclopt.h and rldiv. M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_encodebufr_1c.ksh Default MASTER_TABLE version 16 for ATMS and CrIS. Version 15 does not have operational status and is not recommended. The BUFR tables are included in the ECMWF BUFR library, version 000388 onwards - available at http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/software/bufr.html. M AAPP/include/mwhs1c.h M AAPP/include/mwts1c.h M AAPP/include/mwhs_sdr.h A AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwhs_channels.dat A AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwts_channels.dat M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwhs_sdr_out.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwts_sdr_out.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwhs_sdr_read.c M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwhs_sdr.intf.c-F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/mwhs_sdr_read.c M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/Makefile Add MWTS/MWHS channel information data. Increase record size in MWHS 1c format in order to accommodate surface information (as for MWTS). Format version 1.01. A AAPP/include/mwhschandata.h A AAPP/include/mwtschandata.h M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c.F A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_get_1c_mwhs.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_get_1c.F A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_get_1c_mwts.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/Makefile A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c_mwhs.F A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/define_mwts_mwhs.F A AAPP/src/tools/libaappbufr/aapp_put_1c_mwts.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_encodebufr_1c.F M AAPP/src/tools/bin/mwts_sdr.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_encodebufr_1c.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/bin/aapp_decodebufr_1c.ksh M AAPP/src/tools/bin/mwhs_sdr.ksh BUFR encode/decode for MWTS and MWHS, extension to aapp_encodebufr_1c and aapp_decodebufr_1c. Note that for these instruments you have to supply the instrument name for both encode and decode, e.g. aapp_decodebufr_1c -i $mwts_filename MWTS For CrIS L1c encoding, use 6 messages per scan, to keep message lengths below 50kb. Ensure that environment variable ATMS_THIN is only used when encoding ATMS1D. M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/cris_sdr_out.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/atms_channels.dat M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/atms_sdr_out.F M AAPP/src/tools/libaapphdf5/atms_sdr_read.c Use environment variables CRIS_ORBIT and ATMS_ORBIT to over-write orbit numbers in HDF5 file (since the orbit numbers from RT-STPS are not currently valid). The orbit number can be computed from the 2-line elements and overpass time, as follows: tleing -s npp satpostle -o -s npp -d ${dd}/${mm}/${yy} orbit=$(expr $(sdh2orbnum -s npp -d ${yyyymmdd} -h ${hhmn}) - 1) Note that orbit numbers as given by sdh2orbnum have to be reduced by 1 to make them consistent with global NPP data distributed by NOAA. Use environment variables ORIGINATING_CENTRE and SUB_CENTRE to set atms/cris1c_h_centre and atms/cris1c_h_subcentre. Environment variable ATMS_USE_ATEMPS can be used to over-write ATMS brightness temperatures with the antenna temperatures. (Useful because the ATMS antenna corrections used in CSPP v1.0 and v1.1 are unreliable). For atms_sdr, add the capability of ingesting only the TDR (not the SDR). This is useful if the SDR file is not available. A disadvantage is that the NEDTs will be empty. metop-tools and iasi-tools ========================== M metop-tools/src/bin/print-mmam-obt-utc.pl For portability, use XML::LibXML instead of XML::Simple. See AAPP v7.2 Release Note for more information on the MMAM tools. M iasi-tools/src/bin/iasi-mode.ksh For portability, change /usr/bin/ksh -> /bin/ksh MAIA ==== M AAPP/include/maia.h M AAPP/src/navigation/libsgp/deep.F M AAPP/src/navigation/libsgp/sdp4.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libmaia_2.1/lec_previ_grib_api.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libmaia_2.1/lec_previ.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libmaia_2.1/maia_init.F Bug fixes associated with forecast files. MAIA3 thresholds files ====================== AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/VIS_land_metop01.dat AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/VIS_sea_metop01.dat AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t038t108_ocean_+0:+0_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t038t108_ocean_-3:-3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t038t108_veget_+0:+0_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t038t108_veget_+3:+3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t038_desert_+5:+5_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t038_ocean_+3:+3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t038_veget_+5:+5_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t120_nuage_+0:+0_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t120_ocean_+0:+0_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t120_ocean_+3:+3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t120_veget_+3:+3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t108t120_veget_-10:-10_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t120t038_ocean_+3:+3_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/tsurt108_ocean_+0:+0_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/tsurt108_veget_+5:+5_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/tsurt108_veget_-5:-5_metop01.dta AAPP/data_maia3/thresholds/t038t108_nuage_+0:+0_metop01.dta