DBNet – IRAS Retransmission Services


Regional IRAS Retransmission Services

These comparisons are made with IRAS level 1c data, on IRAS’s native grid. Each DBNet centre runs FY3CL0pp, FY3CL1pp and AAPP to generate level 1c BUFR data. Then in the monitoring system the incoming DBNet data are decoded to level 1c and compared with the corresponding level 1c files generated from global data.

Explanation of monitoring files:

  • Nav Mapping contains a plot of the regional navigated fields of view, superimposed upon the Global, providing a graphical display of the navigation error. Data has been screened for invalid locations.
  • L-G Difference Maps contain plots of the differences between local and global raw (unscaled) radiance counts. Data has been screen for invalid navigation and invalid counts observations.

Search Local-Global Difference Statistics

